Tuna is a platform for developers and their teams, aimed at accelerating development, simplifying team collaboration, and ensuring security. It includes several products:
- Tunnels - a feature that allows you to create reverse proxy HTTP, TCP, and SSHd tunnels using the tuna console utility. You can get direct access from the internet to sites or applications running locally on your PC. Just run a short command in the console, get a link in response, and your friend from anywhere in the world can follow the link to access the site running on your PC in the local network, all without VPN, "white" IP requirements, or port forwarding on the router.
- Password Manager - works in the WEB interface of the personal account, designed for secure storage and convenient sharing of passwords within work teams and beyond.
Getting Started
Provide access to the site, API, GraphQL, Websocket server
Provide access to the database, SSH, RDP, game server
Password Manager
We value our users and carefully study all requests. If you have problems with tuna, be sure to contact us in one of the following ways: